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Specializing in


100% Natural



For Minor Skin Wounds, Abrasions &

Deep Tissue Issues

The benefits of using SSC's topical salves are Endless.  

And Timeless.  For you.  For me.  

For our loved ones of all types:

human & animal, friends & family.  

SSC's products are biodegradable, 

completely safe for you & our shared Mother Earth.


Free Shipping in the Continental USA!


Ancient Tree-sap Salve -

is made from an heirloom authentic

French-Canadian Native American Indigenous

People's mid 1860"s tree-sap recipe.


Cottonwood -

is simply....  cottonwood buds soaked in olive oil

for 6-9 months then made into salve by adding beeswax.  For deep tissue soreness, discomfort

& issues.

Three simple ingredients.


Sunny SunShine Salve- 

the herbal ingredients in this salve stand on their own

as deep tissue helpers.   The herbal combination is designed to be a relieving ointment.  


SSC also offers First Aid Kits in two colors &       

Water Bottles & Cotton Gloves (wear them at night along with ATS and your cracked skins heals quickly).

Sacred Salve Company LLC

Please Note:  If You Look at My Site and it is all Whacky....!  I am sorry about this. I have spent innumerable hours working with
WIX to resolve the problem.......
and obviously, it isn't resolved!! Lynne

Tins of tree-sap salve first aid ointment

Soothe, protect & promote personal care & skin healing.

With my powerful yet gentle therapeutic salves.

 Sacred Salve Company (SSC)


Is dedicated to offering wholistic, reliable, effective, pure & natural, preservative & chemical free

Self Care and First Aid Ointments.


Both the Ancient Tree-sap Salve (ATS) and Cottonwood (CTN) are true "Tree-Sap" salves.  

So what does this mean, you ask?  And why tree-saps?  Because tree-saps 'knit' the skin, coats & protects wounds, moisturizes, brings oxygen to all the layers of the skin.  This helps to heal all types of minor skin wounds & skin problems.  Also, tree-sap has been around since the beginning of time & used as medicine for eons.  And because tree-sap is naturally antibacterial, antimicrobial, antifungal, and is an antiseptic as well as analgesic.  Tree-sap literally calms, soothes & numbs the pain or discomfort.  And tree-sap are aromatic.  You can see why these SSC products are the

Only First Aid Ointments that You Need!  In your home, purse, backpack & medicine cabinet.  One couldn't ask for a more powerful healing aid than tree-sap as it acts immediately to attack any and all bacteria/fungus/microbes & foreign matter.  Often times people - especially children, will notice how quickly it goes to work by feeling the 'tingling sensation' once it

is applied.  This means it is working immediately to heal - safely & naturally.


All SSC salve products are prepared by hand, one batch at a time to ensure freshness & quality.  Every tin of SSC salve receives lnprice's full attention to keep the recipe spot-on.  As using ingredients sourced directly from Mother Nature can

be a bit tricky.  Every tin of SSC salve is imbued with love and bright good old-fashioned Native American Healing Energy.


Sunny SunShine Salve (S4) speaks for itself.  The personally designed blend of herbal ingredients is unbeatable regarding chronic pain, deep tissue discomfort, arthritis, post-surgery, sore muscles & such.  A little dab applied regularly does the job.  And isn't the name Sunny SunShine Salve just the coolest name ever??!  I named this salve after an most incredible beast of an animal who was my best animal friend ever back in the 70's, a horse named              Sunny SunShine 


To round out your First Aid needs, SSC created two styles of "personalizable" First Aid Kits.  

They hold one or two small tins of SSC salves of 'your choice' & the tote has a bandage holder to keep them clean & neat. 

Plus there's an informational insert.  And there is a bit of room for you to add your own personally needed items and

more bandaids.


SSC also offers rugged 26-ounce green water bottles to promote the ending of the use of plastic.  

This combo of salves, first aid kit & water bottle are the essentials for

safe & fun travels, hiking, camping, surfing, climbing, horseback riding, cycling ranching, gardening and so much more.


SSC Salve Products are Made One Batch at a Time in Wallowa County.  Homeland of the Nez Perce Tribe,

Wallowa Lake, the Eagle Cap Wilderness & the Wallowa-Whitman National Forest.  

There are no stop lights in the County....  Incredible life.

Lynne Sacred Salve Company LLC first aid ointments

Mon - Thu: 9am - 4pm

Contact  SSC


65424 Billing Road, Enterprise OR 97828

Wallowa County, Wallowa Lake, True Eastern Oregon,

Eagle Cap Wilderness, & Hells Canyon National Recreation Area

Ancient as Time
Modern as Today
Essential for Tomorrow

Be Well & Thanks for getting ahold of me!

©2010 to Present.  All Rights Reserved by Sacred Salve Company LLC.

All photos belong to SSC & lnprice.

This website is Proudly created by lnprice!  Using

lnprice does Fisheries work for the Nez Perce Tribe

SSC is the soul passion of one woman who works tirelessly to promote safe healing for all.

Dried out salmon SSC
Seneca n Pitch SSC website
Elk hide for SSC website

You can Text me @



**Disclaimer**  The information within this website, on all the pages is not/are not intended to assess, diagnose, prescribe, or promise a cure of any type.  Its' intent is to be purely educational and helpful. If suffering or ill, consult/contact a professional licensed healthcare provider.


Avoid eye contact.          Topical use only.          Keep cool & dry.          Spot Test Before Use.         External use only.

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