"Sacredness is Everywhere"
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This authentic amber tree-sap ointment, Ancient Healing Salve, currently known as Ancient Tree-sap Salve, is an all-natural handmade home remedy that is made one batch at a time. The heirloom recipe has been in the family for 6 generations &
was a gift from the then local indigenous French-Canadian Native American Indian people is SE Canada.
This is a secret folklore remedy from the 'old days'. It is a salve that has been kept on hand for everyday first aid care, minor accidents, abrasions, cuts, bites, burns, kids' wounds - all varieties of skin wounds by family members, friends & clients. As family lore goes, this unique healing & pain-relieving ointment was given to the family in the mid 1860's when a near fatal accident left a great-great-great-great grandfather with severe burns & leg injuries. His wounds had become seriously infected & he was not recovering. The local doctor did his best to help & to make him comfortable, yet he was still failing. It was the gift & concern of the local Native People who came & supplied the family with a precious golden ointment. With dedicated consistent use, he recovered from the infected burns. He was so thankful for the remedy that he asked to learn from the indigenous people of their recipe & how to wildcraft the needed ingredients. He learned how to produce the salve himself, for his family & friends. Since then, the recipe has been passed down through generation after generation to a variety of family members who have remained reverent &
respectful of the ancient recipe. Care is always taken when a 'batch of salve' is made.
My name is Lynne Nielsen Price = lnprice, nicknamed HoboGirl because of a life-style I lived when I was younger. I began making my own batches of Piquette Salve on July 4th, 2009. With a life-time of personal use, I had no qualms about crafting this ancient healing ointment & offering it to the general public. My Ancient Healing/Tree-sap Salve (AHS/ATS) is made from the original secret family recipe. Every tin of salve has my respect for the familys' commitment to preserving & respecting this recipe.
Personally, I have used this salve as my only skin wound healing ointment for myself, my children & grand children, friends, family, pets, show animals, ranch livestock - horses & cows, & on my fruit trees when they get torn up by the wind or by the deer. This recipe is so natural & consistent that I trust it completely. I have no worries when using it as it has a proven history of being a reliable personal health care product. This AHS/ATS is a deep golden color thus it is classified as an Amber Salve or is referred to as a tree-sap salve. It is aromatic & smells like the forest - thus men Will Use It! This incredible salve comes to us directly from Mother Nature - from harvested tree-saps & local bushes, farm animals & bees. Thus it is a true gift from the earth -
a gift of her soil, flora, fauna, water & sun.
This salve has had a cult following for decades. I am choosing to keep the recipe for this amazing homestead remedy in its' original form, short of having to change-out the inaccessible bear/deer/elk fat & tallow to a product known from our fore-fathers' day of old fashioned Leaf Lard - for obvious reasons. Most people have never heard of leaf lard, although it is currently being reintroduced back into popular culture. It is an animal product. Please! Have no fear about leaf lard. It is pure, light, flakey, white & unpasteurized I personally render it myself.. leaf lard plays a significant role in the healing properties of this topical AHS/ATS. I have total faith in the 5 simple ingredients; elderberry branches & bark, balsam fir resin (sourced from Eastern Canada & is hand collected = expensive), dark colophony and/or lump pine rosin, beeswax & leaf lard. These 5 ingredients are noted individually for their healing properties & the results they produce are incredible <Ingredients page>. Trust in this recipe is easy, as it was created so long ago by indigenous native tribal members to heal themselves & their families.
As a note: Having had the opportunity to produce this salve with Joanne here in Eastern Oregon, I learned from her the intricacies of producing a good batch of salve, that's made with love & intention, as she took it quite seriously, the honoring of her family's recipe. Trust & belief in our salve is high & over the years many folks have requested that we make it for them & sell it on a personal basis. As things do in one's life, they shift. In 2009, I began to seriously consider producing & selling our salve under the name of Ancient Healing Salve. Recently, in 2017, the product name was changed to Ancient Tree-sap Salve because it explains what it is... it's made from tree-saps & tree-saps heal. Being a creative solopreneur, the graphics, branding & even the name may continue to change & evolve.
With the prospect of my commitment to produce this salve faithfully for years to come & to carry on Joanne's production & offerings, I created the Sacred Salve Company in January of 2010. Ingredients were further researched for their medicinal qualities & procured as well as empty salve tins of various sizes. I found a way to make & print my own labels. Batches, one at a time, were made. My product was ready to be offered to others.
For the winter months of 2009/2010, I traveled to the island of Maui in Hawaii for several months. This provided me with a new & naturally occurring 'testing' environment for the effectiveness of my non-prescription all-purpose healing salve. We, as a family, have been forest & mountain people, living & raising our families in true Eastern Oregon. Living on an island, entering the ocean almost daily, getting acquainted with the new flora & fauna, plus learning to surf provided a great testing ground for this salve. Coral & reefs are magnificent. They are dying & they need our help & respect. There needs to be less pollution in our ocean's water. These coral reefs are also rough on the human body, especially when you are a "kook" & beginner surfer like me. I acquired my share of pretty serious scraps, cuts & puncture wounds. Coral is a living organism & can enter your body through open skin wounds, then cause any number of medical problems, least of which are serious forms of staph infections. Coral also hurts - a lot. And it can cause serious scarring. With every well earned wound acquired, layers of my salve was applied, consistently, under good bandages. Thus, the test was on. My experience with our salve grew. I personally knew our salve would work & heal my wounds completely without any problems with infections. No staph & no prolonged periods of injury. And No Missed Surf Sessions!! Just instant & consistent relief from the pain of the coral guts/gouges & the salve continued to work in the salty ocean waters. Even more importantly, this salve is Biodegradable! It does not pollute the ocean waters. Thus our experience with this Ancient Healing/Tree-sap Salve came full circle. And bug bites?!! No problem! It is a great product for any island adventure.
I had taken several batches of finished tins of salve with me to Maui that winter, unsure of how to market it. It ended up marketing itself.
I was working in a surf rental shop & saw on a daily basis the "walking wounded" come in the door. Folks came in with red, infected, swollen, oozing & ugly wounds. Mostly from the coral & lava rock. Plus massive sunburns. It seemed that they were determined to not loose a day of their vacation thus they choose to continue without looking after themselves & their wounds. We offered them this healing ointment & sales were made. Living on the roof of the surf shop & working there part-time was a perfect trial marketing situation.
Every tin I had... sold!
Thus my business launched itself. On another surf trip to southern California the name for my company came to me; the Sacred Salve Company. I wish to honor the French-Canadian/Native American Indigenous People who created & used this recipe, possibly for hundreds of years. And I am also grateful for & in honor of the history of this salve recipe & the Piquette Family.
The 'green turtle' as my logo represents to me the Native American term for North America - Turtle Island. I look forward to years & years of producing small batches, to hand-harvesting the elderberry branches, self rendering the natural locally produced bee-caps & leaf lard. This makes three of the five ingredients for my Ancient Healing/Tree-sap Salve sourced right here in Wallowa County. It would be lovely to find a way to source locally the dark colophony/lump rosin/pitch pine. Anyone have any ideas??I Thank you for your interest & support in my products & business. I am grateful that you are reading this long story. As you can see, Ancient Tree-sap Salve is offered in four sizes: the 1/2 ounce, 1 ounce, 2 ounce & 4 ounce Vet. size tins. I will continue to use the original recipe for my ATS product. Please reuse or repurpose or recycle your tins!
Occasionally I produce Balm of Gilaed & call it Little Sheep Creek Cottonwood Bud Salve. In the spring I collect the sticky buds from wind fallen trees & branches, soak them until the following Fall in olive oil & then render them into a salve by just adding beeswax. These were only available by request as the batches were small. This all changed during 2014 when folks caught onto how deeply this salve worked on deep tissue issues such as strained/strained muscles, post-surgery situations, pain relief, arthritis & such. I've been collecting & making larger batches ever since. Renamed in 2017 to simply.... Cottonwood (CTN). This recipe comes in only one tin size, the 2 ounces.
As always, Spot Test Before Your Use & Consult your Physician.
Pease keep your tins of salve in a cool & dry place. Keep away from Eyes.
Please warm your tin of ATS or CTN in the palms of your hands if it is too stiff to use on your wound(s). It is best to place a dollop of salve directly onto the pad of your bandage & then apply the bandage directly to your minor skin wound. And it is best to keep the wound moist with the salve until it has fully healed. If you wish to have less of a scar, keep applying the salve beyond the point when the infection/redness has gone away & you think the wound has healed. The skin has many layers & it is best to heal all of them l, thoroughly.
2018 came along & got the creative juices flowing. I designed, after much research & testing, a work-horse of an herbal based salve. Sunny SunShine Salve (S4). It is made with dried arnica & calendula flowers that are soaked in olive oil for at least 6 weeks. I then add turmeric oil, black pepper & marjoram essential oils. S4 comes in a 1-ounce gold colored tin & smaller sample packets are available as well.
So that's it. This is my story. It's been a joy to be part of the healing world, helping others discover that they can find relief by using natural self care & first aid ointments. I've had an interesting & wonderful life that's been documented in pictures having lived with a photographer & artist. See hoboartist on Instagram or go to www.monlightchronicles.com.
Blesssing to all. Thanks again for reading my long diatribe. It's a pleasure to share my wisdom & experiences.
To Be Healed by the Trees.... is what the Sacred Salve Company is all about.