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To Be Healed by the Trees   

These are the Only Self Care & First Aid Ointments You Need.


Ancient Tree-sap Salve      Cottonwood       Sunny SunShine Salve

Water Bottles     First Aid Kits      Cotton Glove

filling tins with salve first aid ointment

Ancient Tree-sap Salve

Keep this on hand and easy to find.  Along with bandages.  

ATS topical First Aid Ointment.

Multi-purpose.  Multi-use.  

Works great on all our minor skin wounds & irritations.  

For ourselves, our children & grandchildren, pets & livestock, friends & family.  

I even use ATS on my fruit trees when they get torn up by severe winds

& deer (damn deer!!).

Severe Burns = this is how our family received this authentic

French-Canadian Native American recipe in the mid-1860's.  

ATS relieves pain & heals all the layers of the skin by increasing oxygen flow

to the wound & handling infection. It truly is a life saver!

Spot Test Before Use


Suggested Use


For everyday injuries.

A "pure" tree-sap salve, non-herbal.


The list of ATS's Usefulness is long, but I will try:  

mild burns, steam burns, sun burn, all burns - you just have to get the heat out of the minor burn first by running the affected area under luke warm to coolish soft running water.  Blot dry.  Apply ATS salve liberally & repeatedly - quick & continuous discomfort/pain relief, faster complete healing of all the layers of skin & less scarring.  You have to use this ATS continuously for it to soothe & heal your burns.  Cuts, scrapes, slivers, rash, bug bites, sting ray stings, bee stings, mosquito bites, no-see-um bites, spider bites (get the picture here?!?), bruises, eczema, psoriasis, mersa/staph infections, smashed throbbing fingers/thumbs.  ATS is analgesic, numbs pain. Itchy skin, cracked dry winter

skin/cuticles on hands/feet/elbows, splinters, reef/coral/lava cuts & scrapes/rash & any other 

unmentionable minor skin problems that you might have.


No reason to have reddish, infected, swollen and/or painful minor skin wounds.  Apply ATS & it will help you to take care of you & 

your loved ones.

Stimulates circulation to ease the discomfort.  Analgesic.  

Kids love it!


Brings oxygen to all the layers of skin.

Helps reduce scarring.

Immediately attacks bacteria and foreign matter.  

May tingle when applied, children especially notice this.


Excellent medication for animals as well.  

They get minor topical skin wounds just like we do.  

Here's your chance to make a conscientious decision to treat your self, loved ones & animal loves nicely &

save them from chemical pollution.


How To Use


You can do this.  Got a minor skin wound of any type?  

OK.  Darn.  

I'm very sorry!  Now let's get on top of it.  

By applying this all-natural all-purpose

Ancient Tree-sap Salve...


Apply ATS to the right sized bandage, apply bandage to the wound.  Then get on with living life to the fullest, with no worries & no more discomfort.  Just pure reliable healing of your minor skin wound/problem.


Pull out your SSC First Aid Kit.  Reach for the "butter" as my kids call it, ATS.  Again, find the right sized bandage, apply a dollop of ATS to the pad of the bandage & put the bandage immediately on the wound.  Bam!  Done.  

Move on with life with ease.  Two or three hours later repeat with

the salve & bandage if needed.

Bandage, dollop of salve, bandage on wound.

Bandage. Salve.  Dollop. Wound.  

Especially at night.  Bandage.  Salve.  Dollop.  Wound.

Pain relief?  Accomplished.

Worry about infection?  Why?       Discomfort?  Why?

By using ATS you've given yourself a serious boost to

self-care - less worry, less stress, less infection.

Just plain old-fashioned healing.  

And to double the awesomeness of this you are helping the planet!!  That's right.  There Are No Chemical or preservatives, no non-natural elements

of any kind in any of SSC's First Aid Ointments.  

And so you are Not Polluting our waterways, streams, oceans, rivers, lakes, climbing walls, septic systems, etc.


Remember!  ATS is Anti-Everything... naturally!  

It literally attacks the bacteria, fungus & bad microbes.  

Reduces swelling & discomfort.  

Speeds up healing.  Tends to reduce scarring.


smiley face made with cut-out apple
Open tin of Ancient Tree-sap Salve

SSC's First Aid ointments are easy to use, every day.  

They are important to use.  Be kind to yourself & your loved ones.  Take care, be attentive.  Enjoy life.  Play.  Exercise.  

Eat well.  Be a kid.  Be bold & rugged again.  It's OK to get a little hurt.  

Go for it!


chop wood       carry water       move on

simmering cottonwood buds in olive oil


Also known as:  Winter's Balm, First Medicine, Water Keeper & Heron Medicine.

Relief for deep tissue issues.

CTN topical First Aid Ointment

Spot Test Before Use


Suggested Use


For deep tissue issues.

A "pure" tree-sap salve.


The cottonwood bud resin or sap in this recipe is a general & useful assistant for a variety of deep tissue issues & muscle/tendon ailments.  Cottonwood (CTN) has been in use medicinally for eons, probably since the beginning.


  • Cottonwood buds contain a compound called salicin (like aspirin) that is an excellent anti-inflammatory for aches, discomfort, trauma & pains.

  • DO NOT USE if Allergic to Asprin/Salicin.

  • Soothing comfort for things like uncomfortable arthritic joints, sprains/strains and pulled or over used muscles.  Use as a cooling sore muscle rub/skin soother, reduce inflammation.

  • A good choice for pain relief on deep tissue issues, chronic & arthritic pain, post-surgery, hemorrhoids, herpes & cold sore outbreaks.

  • Cottonwood buds are high in antioxidants which makes it helpful in restoring damaged skin.  They are also antiseptic/prevents the growth of disease-causing microorganisms.

  • Aroma Therapy!!  The wild & fragrant scent of the cottonwood buds and sap is uplifting, fresh & grounding.

  • Anodyne, anti-spasmodic, expectorant, anti-microbial (the same as the tree-saps in ATS)... just a few known properties of cottonwood bud resin.

  • North American Tribes used it as a wash for wounds, skin afflictions & various pains.

open tin of pure cottonwood salve


How To Use


This can be tricky as we do tend to hurt ourselves

or have surgeries or get in an accident or we

simply over do it and/or have chronic pain...


  1. Smooth or gently rub CTN onto the skin of your sore & affected area throughout the day & definitely at night.  It is this easy.  Repeat, as needed.  Repeat if you wish to truly tackle your discomfort.

  2. Placing larger dollops of CTN onto the pad of larger pads is a good and helpful idea.

  3. If you are worried about this ointment getting on your clothes or sheets, then you might find cotton gloves or socks that are loose-fitting.  Or use large cotton pads with the salve on them and tape them in place.  Or wear loose fitting cotton clothing at night.  There will probably be some discoloration of the clothing which generally washes out.  I recommend that you don't wear your favorite clothing.

  4. Repeat throughout the day. Apply at night

  5. Yes, repeat religiously the first 3 or 4 days and as often as possible.  If you use this CTN it will do it's best to bring you comfort and relief.

  6. Focus on those chronically sore, uncomfortable, stressed and stiff areas.  

  7. Let CTN do its' magic of relieving the deep tissue issues = Heron Medicine.


The cottonwood bud resin or sap in this recipe is a general & useful assistant for a variety of deep tissue issues & muscle/tendon ailments.  Cottonwood (CTN), sometimes referred to as Balm of Gilead, Winter's Balm, First Medicine, Heron Medicine or Water Keeper, has been in use medicinally for eons,

probably since the beginning.


Think gardener, hiker, rock climber, bicyclist, rafter, dancer, runner, swimmer (CTN is especially safe for our water environments), & all the multitude of sports and activities we all do.  Old age.  Accidents.  Surgeries.  Ailments.  Our long lives of being active.

Relieve those deep tissue issues


100% natural means 100% natural healing.


** Do not use if you are allergic

to asprin/salicin.**  Try S4


Sunny SunShine Salve

SSC's only herbal topical salve.

Spot Test Before Use



Suggested Use


Are you ready for this SSC formulation?!!  Nicknamed S4.  

It is amazing!

'May' help with muscle/joint aces, chronic pain, inflammation,

swelling & discomfort plus post surgery situations.  

A soothing natural therapeutic herbal formula.


Fast absorbing.  

Tends to help you relax, feel comfort & offers relief.  

Use topically day & night on your personal problem areas.


For those of you who know of & have experience with the

wonders of herbal salves, then S4 is the salve for you.


Just like the CTN salve, S4 is soothing comfort for things like uncomfortable arthritic joints.  A good choice for pain relief on

deep tissue issues, inflammation, muscle soreness,

hemorrhoids & herpes/cold sore outbreaks.



Spot Test Before Use


How To Use


Gently rub or smooth a dollop of S4 CBD salve into the

affected & sore area(s).  Repeat as needed.  

The more you use this S4 product, the more deeply it can be absorbed, the more that it can work to bring your some relief.  Repeat.  As often as needed.  

Use a bandge if needed.  

Apply at night & in the morning, during lunch.  

It is a nice post-surgery salve (consult your physician before use).


Give yourself the peace/stress release of being able to relax & have the opportunity to relieve your discomfort(s), naturally & with the benefit of a special combination of herbs, thanks to SSC's S4 salve.


If you are wondering or are unfamiliar with such things, give yourself a chance to do some research online.  

It is an exciting industry.


Wallowa Lake, favorite yoga rock
Wallowa Lake, Joseph Oregon, Nez Perce Contry

Water Bottles 26 oz

Affordable & Sturdy


Reuse.  Recycle.  Repurpose.  Mend.  Fix.  

Choose wisely.

And Please Stop Using Plastic.

Water. Drink more water.  Must drink more water.  Can drink more water.  Will drink more water.  Every day.  All day.

Have good water readily available without using plastic!!  Refillable.  Refill.  Change your habit and help our planet!  

We cannot be a 'throw-away' society any longer.

Simply fill & refill this water bottle throughout your day.  Add your stickers.  Get one for family & friends.  Make a change.  Give a gift of that will benefit the planet & reduce plastic use.  Be a part of the solution.  Just say "no" to plastic anything!!  Be a crusader!  Show others that you don't need an expensive water bottle.  Stop worrying about loosing those expensive water bottles. It's not cool to be a water "snob"!  There's many ways to stop buying & using questionable water in plastic bottles.  

Let's give the earth and it's animals a chance to recover.  Please!!

To Be Healed by Mother Nature.

Namaste, Lynne




personal photo of Wallowa Lake in Winter time

Cotton Gloves

3 sizes for dry chapped and/or cracking hands, fingers, cuticles.

Medium, Large & Extra Large

self tanned elk hide with 'hand' shadow for websit

Note:  buy 'over-sized' gloves for a loose fit!

The extra room is necessary for comfort & non-binding while they are worn at night.  

Helps to keep your bedding clean.

Can be used with SSC's Ancient Tree-sap Salve, Cottonwood & Sunny SunShine Salve.

Cracked hands & finger tips or cuticles?!!  Winter dry skin?  Gardener's hands.  Been working with dirt or cement?  Rock climber?  Get the picture here...


At night put a liberal amount of any SSC's salves on your hands, fingers, cuticles and rub it in slightly then put on

your oversized gloves.  Relax.  Read a book.  Fall asleep.  Viola!!  After a night or two of salves use & gloves - you'll

find your hands are being restored to a more natural moisture balance.


Same goes for dry & cracked heels, feet and/or elbows.  Do the same thing, put liberal amount of SSC's salves onto

the problem area(s).  I suggest that you wear oversized cotton socks to help your feet heal.  Do this for several nights.  

Pain relief & hopefully a better nights sleep.  A win-win situation.  Great results in the morning.


Remember you can do this routine with ATS, CTN or S4 salves for arthritis & deep tissue issue, chronic pain and such.  

Just rub a liberal amount of the salve onto sore hands & put on the over-sized gloves for arthritic pain relief.

First Aid Kit w/only my tree-sap salves taken on every mt hike

Use And Usefulness

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