SSC's bright herbal amber colored Sunny SunShine Salve (s4) was designed to reach those sore spots, strains and sprains, chronic sore areas and such. It's a great choice for deep tissue issues. A must have on-hand item for everyday use. A little S4 goes a long ways, just rub a dollap topically onto the affected area, several times a day & especially at night.
Spot Test Before Use.
Sunny SunShine Salve
Handcrafted, one batch at a time. This is SSC's only herbal salve, self designed by lnprice. The herbs in this recipe speak for themselves & are well known. See Ingredients page.
Currently as far as i know, no one is using the blend of herbs that are used in this S4 herbal deep tissue issue product. See <Use & Usefulness> page.
Also, I like to recreate labels, graphics and even the names of my salves, every once-in-awhile. Have no worries, the recipe always stays the same.