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SSC's bright herbal amber colored Sunny SunShine Salve (s4) was designed to reach those sore spots, strains and sprains, chronic sore areas and such.  It's a great choice for deep tissue issues.  A must have on-hand item for everyday use. A little S4 goes a long ways, just rub a dollap topically onto the affected area, several times a day & especially at night.


Spot Test Before Use.      


Sunny SunShine Salve

SKU: 675983120870
  • Handcrafted, one batch at a time.  This is SSC's only herbal salve, self designed by lnprice.  The herbs in this recipe speak for themselves & are well known.  See Ingredients page.   

    Currently as far as i know, no one is using the blend of herbs that are used in this S4 herbal deep tissue issue product.  See <Use & Usefulness> page.

    Also, I like to recreate labels, graphics and even the names of my salves, every once-in-awhile.  Have no worries, the recipe always stays the same.

©2010 to Present.  All Rights Reserved by Sacred Salve Company LLC.

All photos belong to SSC & lnprice.

This website is Proudly created by lnprice!  Using

lnprice does Fisheries work for the Nez Perce Tribe

SSC is the soul passion of one woman who works tirelessly to promote safe healing for all.

Dried out salmon SSC
Seneca n Pitch SSC website
Elk hide for SSC website

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**Disclaimer**  The information within this website, on all the pages is not/are not intended to assess, diagnose, prescribe, or promise a cure of any type.  Its' intent is to be purely educational and helpful. If suffering or ill, consult/contact a professional licensed healthcare provider.

Avoid eye contact.          Topical use only.          Keep cool & dry.          Spot Test Before Use.         External use only.

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